TM 5-3820-246-14&P
a. Item Number Column. Numbers in this column are for reference. When completing DA Form 2404
(Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet), include the item number for the check/service indicating a fault.
Item numbers also appear in the order that checks and services for the intervals listed must be done.
b. Interval Column. This column tells you when you must do the procedure in each procedure column.
BEFORE procedures must be done before you operate or use the equipment for its intended mission. DURING
procedures must be done during the time you are operating or using the equipment for its intended mission. AFTER
procedures must be done immediately after you have operated or used the equipment.
c. Item to be inspected Column. This column provides the location and the item to be checked or serviced.
The item location is underlined.
d. Procedure Column. This column gives the procedure you must do to check or service the item listed in the
Check/Service column to know if the equipment is ready or available for its intended mission or for operation. You
must do the procedure at the time stated in the interval column.
e. Equipment is Not Ready/Available if: Column. Information in this column tells you what faults will keep
your equipment from being capable of performing its primary mission. If your check and service procedures show
faults listed in this column, do not operate equipment. Follow standard operating procedures for maintaining the
equipment or reporting equipment failure.
Other Table Entries. Be sure to observe all special information and notes that appear in your table.
The forms and records you fill out have several uses. They are a permanent record of the services, repairs and
modifications made on your equipment. They are reports to unit maintenance and to your commander. They are also
a checklist for you when you want to know what is wrong with the equipment after its last use and whether those faults
have been fixed. For information on forms and records, see DA Pam 738-750.
a. Do your before (B) Preventive Maintenance just before you operate the unit. Pay attention to cautions and
b. Do your during (D) Preventive Maintenance during operation. (During operation means to monitor the unit
while its actually being operated.)
c. Do your after (A) Preventive Maintenance right after operating the unit. Pay attention to cautions and
d. If something does not work, troubleshoot it with the instructions in this manual and notify your supervisor.
e. Always do your Preventive Maintenance in the same order so it gets to be a habit. Once you have had some
practice, you'll spot anything wrong in a hurry.
f. If anything looks wrong and you can't fix it, write it on your DA Form 2404. If something is seriously wrong,
report it to unit maintenance RIGHT NOW!